Empowering Transformation: The Impact of Monetary Contributions


Monetary donations play a pivotal role in supporting retreat centers while transforming lives and fostering recovery. Every contribution, regardless of its size, contributes significantly to the success of the foundation’s mission. Let’s explore the profound impact of monetary donations and how they are essential in changing lives, one generous contribution at a time.


The Impact of Monetary Donations: Changing Lives, One Contribution at a Time

Here you go!

Fueling the Recovery Journey

As a reliable and trusted recovery center, we are thoroughly committed to helping men struggling with substance abuse. Though monetary donations are not the only way to give, these fuel the transformative initiatives. Whether funding the recovery center, training center, or retreat center, each dollar contributes to creating a supportive environment for individuals on their recovery journey.

Enabling Life Development Program

Monetary donations directly support Life Development Programs offered at the recovery center. These programs are integral to the holistic recovery approach, from Bible study sessions and counseling to health and fitness courses. Donations allow our team to continuously improve and expand these programs, providing men with the tools they need to rebuild their lives.

Accessibility and Affordability

One of the significant impacts of monetary donations is the ability to keep our programs accessible and affordable. Addiction recovery should not get hindered by financial constraints, and donations help bridge the gap. Contributions of all sizes ensure that men in need can enter the recovery center and begin their journey to sobriety without financial barriers.

Building a Foundation for Success

The vision outlined in our foundation’s master plan requires substantial funding — at least $10 million. Whether large or small, each donation contributes to building the foundation for success. Donors become key players in the realization of this audacious vision, creating spaces like the planned Retreat Center where individuals can find solace and rejuvenate their spirits.

Donor Levels: Recognizing and Honoring Contributors

We take pride in acknowledging the valuable support we receive. Our donor recognition program honors contributors at various levels:

PALM TREE ($10 to $249): Donors will find their names listed in our annual thank-you letter.

OLIVE TREE ($250 to $499): Contributors in this range have a tree in the inaugural nursery dedicated in their honor or to a person of their choosing.

FRUIT TREE ($500 to $999): Donors will have a brick in the Prayer Garden dedicated in their honor or to a person of their choosing.

SAMARITAN DOGWOOD ($1,000 to $9,999): Donors in this category can choose to have a bench on our property dedicated to them or someone they select.

Other donor levels include:

LEBANESE CEDAR – $10,000 to $25,000

ANGEL OAK – $50,000 to $99,999

TREE OF LIFE – $100,000 to $250,000

Wrapping Up!

If you feel inspired to make a difference, contributing to our addiction recovery center is simple. Contact us or click the “Donate Now” button to donate via PayPal or send a check to the provided address. Your contribution, no matter the amount, directly impacts the lives of the men in recovery.